- Right ALT + s -> ß
- Right ALT + a -> ä
- Right ALT + o -> ö
- Right ALT + u -> ü
This can be achieved with xmodmap. Just create in your home directory file called .Xmodmap and copy content below into it.
For USA keyboard:
keycode 108 = ISO_Level3_Shift ISO_Next_Group ISO_Level3_Shift ISO_Nexkt_Group
keycode 30 = u U u U udiaeresis Udiaeresis
keycode 32 = o O o O odiaeresis Odiaeresis
keycode 38 = a A a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis
keycode 39 = s S s S ssharp
For UK keyboard:
keycode 108 = Mode_switch Mode_switch Mode_switch
keycode 30 = udiaeresis Udiaeresis u U udiaeresis Udiaeresis
keycode 32 = odiaeresis Odiaeresis o O odiaeresis Odiaeresis
keycode 38 = adiaeresis Adiaeresis a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis
keycode 39 = ssharp ssharp s S s S ssharp
You can also manually load key bindings by executing xmodmap .Xmodmap