The idea is to create Enum out of some other type like string or int - this is the method
valueOfRole in examples below. I've seen few code examples which are based on this approach:
public enum RoleWithLoop {
SU(0), ADMIN(1), USER(1000);
private final int state;
RoleWithLoop(int state) {
this.state = state;
public static RoleWithLoop valueOfRole(int state) {
for (RoleWithLoop role : RoleWithLoop.values()) {
if (role.state == state) {
return role;
return null;
Each mapping call iterates over all Enum entries - this is fine if it contains only few elements. But more efficient solution is to use Map lookup instead of loop:
public enum RoleWithMap {
SU(0), ADMIN(1), USER(1000);
private final int state;
private final static Map<Integer, RoleWithMap> MAPPING =
new HashMap<Integer, RoleWithMap>(RoleWithMap.values().length);
RoleWithMap(int state) {
this.state = state;
static {
for (RoleWithMap role : RoleWithMap.values()) {
MAPPING.put(role.state, role);
public static RoleWithMap valueOfRole(int state) {
return MAPPING.get(state);