When connecting ESP8266 to Arduino, you need a voltage divider to convert 5v from Arduino to 3.3v.
Here is the source code: https://github.com/maciejmiklas/NodeMCUUtils
yahooWeather.lua script provides access to Yahoo Weather.
yaw.start() will obtain weather immediately and refresh it every yaw.syncPeriodSec seconds. Weather data itself is stored in yahooWeather.lua -> yaw.weather, you will find their further documentation.
yaw.start() will obtain weather immediately and refresh it every yaw.syncPeriodSec seconds. Weather data itself is stored in yahooWeather.lua -> yaw.weather, you will find their further documentation.
In the example below, you can see how to get wether for Munich and update it periodically:
require "yahooWeather" require "wlan" yaw.city = "munich" yaw.country = "de" wlan.setup("free wlan", "12345678") -- update weather every 17 minutes yaw.syncPeriodSec = 1020 yaw.responseCallback = function() print("Weather for today:", yaw.weather[1].date) print(yaw.weather[1].low, yaw.weather[1].high, yaw.weather[1].text) print("Weather for tomorrow:", yaw.weather[2].date) print(yaw.weather[2].low, yaw.weather[2].high, yaw.weather[2].text) end -- start weather update timer yaw.start()
Weather for today: 01 Sep 2016
18 25 Partly Cloudy
Weather for tomorrow: 02 Sep 2016
16 25 Partly Cloudy
Serial API
The script below registers Serial API Interface providing access to weather. The weather itself will get updated every 17 minutes.
Now you can execute a few simple commands over serial:
require "serialAPI" require "serialAPIYahooWeather"
yaw.city = "munich" yaw.country = "de"yaw.syncPeriodSec = 1020 -- 17 min-- setup wlan required by NTP clokc wlan.setup("fred", "1234567890") -- start serial API by enabling gpio and uart sapi.start() -- start yahoo weather with serial API yaw.start()
Now you can execute a few simple commands over serial:
# weather description for today >YF1 text Rain And Snow # weather description for tomorrow >YF2 text Showers # not existing command >YF1 min ERR:serialAPIYahooWeather.lua:6: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value) # max temp for tomorrow >YF2 low 1 # weather date for today >YF1 date 09 Nov 2016
You can find the whole API description in serialAPIYahooWeather.lua