Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cyclop - CQL3 web based editor for Cassandra

I've developed web based CQL3 editor:

The idea is, to deploy it once and have simple and comfortable CQL3 interface over web - without need to install anything.
The editor itself supports code completion, not only for CQL syntax, but also based on database content. So for example the select statement will suggest tables from active keyspace, or within where-closure only columns from table provided after "select from"

The results are displayed in reversed table - rows horizontally and columns vertically. It seems to be more natural for column oriented database.

You can also export query results to CSV, or add query as browser bookmark, send it to another developer to share results, tweeter might not be the  best idea ;)

The whole application is based on wicket + bootstrap + spring and can be deployed in any web 3.0 container.

 Here is the project (open source):


  1. Hi Maciej

    I dropped the app into Tomcat 7 and when I visit /cyclop I get endless redirect. Am I missing an entry point? Also, the git clone URL isn't quite right in the instructions. Let me know if you'd like me to raise issue via Github (if there is one)


  2. The URl should be: http://localhost:8080/cyclop-1.0.0/cyclop where cyclop-1.0.0 is a deployment name.

    There is a bug in index.html which causes dead loop. "meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=/cyclop"" has to be changed to "meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=cyclop"

    Please open issue for other things - than you!

  3. Got the fix from GitHub Maciej, thanks! I was of course at {deploymentName}/cyclop, otherwise I wouldn't have seen the dead loop problem. Vielen dank! James

  4. By the way, great work on this, it's a very useful tool with nice interface. Best regards James (jamestyack at GitHub)
